martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

I didn´t write because I forgot the name of my blog. I'm always thinking of others things and I can´t concentrate. Also, it is very difficult to me to write in English and I need someone to teach me. But anyway I'm here to try to improve. I´ll talk at this first post about my experience during the first term. It was terrible. I had many things to do. First, I had seven subjects, gym and English class. I didn´t have much free time. It was a little sad.

However, I also learned many things. I had to do research and went to Colina II prison. I talked to the inmates there and now we will go again soon with my colleagues to make a workshop on our work and to thanks.

Also in the summer of the first term I went on vacation. I visited Peru and Ecuador. It was a very exciting and dangerous journey. The problem was that we traveled with very little money and were a little hungry, but still had a great time. An experience between good and bad, but I have no regrets. I leave a picture here so they can see where I was.

1. My name is Marcela Quero, I´m studying anthropology at the faculty of social science.
2. My presentation for October will focus on a topic that is contentious in Chile: education in public university.
3. I'm interested in this subject because I believe that education in public university currently faces great challenges and tensions in the coming months. First, because now it is facing a general and specialized university reform, and secondly because the process is or constitutes a new policy for these universities.
4. My presentation will consist of two parts. The first attempt to problematize what is meant collectively as a public university. The elements for this discussion will treat the proposed new treatment of the state, along with the history of university reform from Europe. The second part is more ethnographic themes. I will discuss how they see education students who are currently in the Faculty of Social Sciences. This will interview and observe classes.
5. The relevance of this research is extremely important because, there will come a series of tensions and problems in public education. The university needs to further research. Also, the investigation will help students to prepare for the change, and also to initiate a line of research on university education.
Today I will talk about my country that I like to visit. A country is Mexico. The reasons why I'd like to go to Mexico are three: first, because Mexico has a large number of archeological sites which I'd like to visit me, according to the National Institute information of anthropology and history, until December 2005 they had 37,266 registered archaeological sites. Secondly, because I like to learn about popular music and folk of that country and finally because I am a follower of José Revueltas and Carlos Monsivais.

I was in Mexico for a few years ago I read a book by Roberto Bolaño called "The Savage Detectives." There, he tells the story of the formation of a movement Infrarrealismo radically opposed to the dominant powers in the poetry of Mexican and Mexican literary establishment, which had Octavio Paz as its dominant figure.

I'd like love to go to Mexico. Study, work and live there. It is very different. Tourist go for a few weeks to settle in a place and to visit it know of life there, to know its language and customs and traditions. Finally I would also like to know more b Mexican cinema, that it does not come on billboards and do not have a mass audience. I s that I love movies!
I didn´t write because I forgot the name of my blog. I'm always thinking of others things and I can´t concentrate. Also, it is very difficult to me to write in English and I need someone to teach me. But anyway I'm here to try to improve. I´ll talk at this first post about my experience during the first term. It was terrible. I had many things to do. First, I had seven subjects, gym and English class. I didn´t have much free time. It was a little sad.

However, I also learned many things. I had to do research and went to Colina II prison. I talked to the inmates there and now we will go again soon with my colleagues to make a workshop on our work and to thanks.

Also in the summer of the first term I went on vacation. I visited Peru and Ecuador. It was a very exciting and dangerous journey. The problem was that we traveled with very little money and were a little hungry, but still had a great time. An experience between good and bad, but I have no regrets. I leave a picture here so they can see where I was.

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009


This is my last blog session. I´ll talk about my blogging experience. I think has been a bad experience. First, because for me is very dificult write in english. I didn´t practice English sice 2004 when I left the school. Second, I had 9 subject in this term and I was very stress. I had no time for anything! Third I never had written in a blog before, this has been my first time. But, I believe this is a good thing because it allows improvising the English. Now, I note that I need to improve my vocabulary. I´m really short of concepts. Also this blogs help to do a more didactic class, and to use the internet and its tools in several ways, like the blog, doing research, using traslators, etc. But, I didn´t use it well, unfortunately and I didn´t post any day in the appropriate. And when it started to make me sick post. I was in the hospital with the human influenza. It was very bad because I´m on vacation. Well... Now, I´ll talk about the disadvantages of bloggin. (Because, I have spoken only of my). I thing the bloggings is an activity that can be made at home and leave class for the teacher because there are some knowledge that only teachers handle. I´ll prefer a didactic class with a teacher, but twice a week, and one day go to laboratory and it do listening.
I think in the next term will be better. Because, what will become of me when I find a job? Then, I´m going to say: however you want but get it done! So, my commitment will be doing everything right and I´ll be more responsible. I need to learn English, for my professional´s future and I can´t evade. I´ll have a previous engagement.

martes, 14 de julio de 2009


My ideal job would be teaching anthropology in a public university in Chile. Areas like methodology of social science, social theory and cultural identity. But to be able to do his job I must have finish a Ph D program in a prestigious university in Canada, United States or in England. Places where teaching and research, in Anthropology and social science, is very advanced. I thing I would be good at this job is because I traveled I lot while I was studying in college. In vacations I traveled to Peru, Ecuador, north and south of Chile...I also went to North America. That personal experience plus a good academical preparation is why I would be prepared for this job. These jobs teaching and doing research in public university is dificult if you don´t have a doctor degree in a prestigious University. That is a obstacle, but nothing is impossible if you dedicate time and effort in a goal.

:-) !!!


Sir Ken Robinson defenses the thesis that educational system in the world educates the kids out of their natural creativity. That kids are artist, their imagination and creativity is 100%, and by the school culture and the educational system, the kid grows out of the artist naturally born. Because at school the kids and teachers study mathematics, science, and English. They don´t give enough time, dedication and energy in arts; dance and other discipline that proyect imagination and creativity. Schools don´t prepare them to be wrong; it is the worst thing in school system.
He plan is to design and educational system that gives the same time, funds and dedication in arts and in mathematics. I thing he needs a plan has a technical design, like a educational policy for the future.
