martes, 14 de julio de 2009


My ideal job would be teaching anthropology in a public university in Chile. Areas like methodology of social science, social theory and cultural identity. But to be able to do his job I must have finish a Ph D program in a prestigious university in Canada, United States or in England. Places where teaching and research, in Anthropology and social science, is very advanced. I thing I would be good at this job is because I traveled I lot while I was studying in college. In vacations I traveled to Peru, Ecuador, north and south of Chile...I also went to North America. That personal experience plus a good academical preparation is why I would be prepared for this job. These jobs teaching and doing research in public university is dificult if you don´t have a doctor degree in a prestigious University. That is a obstacle, but nothing is impossible if you dedicate time and effort in a goal.

:-) !!!

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