viernes, 17 de abril de 2009


Hi, my name is Francisca. I study cine. I am 20 years old. I live in Quirilluca, in Chile. I love the cinema and dislike the theather. My objectives in the english class are learn to whrite in this lenguage and to be able to fluent. I never created a blogger, is my first time.

1 comentario:

  1. Marcela,
    Well, I hope you enjoy writing posts and sharing ideas with your classmates.
    a) “be able to” + (verb)Ex. I want to be able to speak fluently / She is not able to use a computer /We will be able to do that.
    b) Try to use expressions like: With regard to my objectives … / In relation to my previous experience … (con respecto a ...)
    See corected version:
    Hi, my name is Francisca. I study cineMA. I am 20 years old AND I live in Quirilluca, in Chile. I love the cinema and dislike the theather. My objectives in the english class are learn to write in this lenguage and be able to BE fluent. I never created a blog(-) BEFORE, IT is my first time.
